Wart Removal Charlotte NC | Charlotte Foot Care Associates

Never Miss Work or School Guaranteed!

13425 Hoover Creek Blvd, Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28273


Never Miss Work or School Guaranteed!

13425 Hoover Creek Blvd, Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28273


Never Miss Work or School Guaranteed!

13425 Hoover Creek Blvd, Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28273


Advanced Wart Removal Treatments in Charlotte, NC 

Are warts causing discomfort and embarrassment? Charlotte Foot Care Associates in Charlotte, North Carolina, offers advanced and effective wart removal treatments to help you regain clear, healthy skin. Our dedicated podiatrist specializes in the treatment of various skin conditions, including warts, providing patients with the highest level of care. 

Why Choose Charlotte Foot Care Associates for Wart Removal? 

Specialized Expertise: Our skilled podiatrists possess extensive experience in diagnosing and treating warts of all types. Whether you have common warts or plantar warts, we have the knowledge and expertise to address your specific condition. 

Advanced Treatment Options: We understand that warts can be stubborn and challenging to eliminate. That’s why we offer a range of cutting-edge wart removal techniques, including laser therapy, topical treatments, and Swift microwave therapy when necessary. Our podiatrist will recommend the most suitable option for your unique needs. 

Swift Wart Removal: A Revolutionary Treatment Option 

The latest advancement in wart removal technology is Swift, a cutting-edge FDA-cleared treatment that offers remarkable efficacy in eliminating plantar warts. Unlike traditional methods, Swift utilizes low-dose microwave energy delivered via a specialized probe. This innovative approach targets the underlying HPV virus, triggering a natural immune response within the body. By addressing the root cause rather than just the symptoms, Swift boasts a remarkably low recurrence rate, offering lasting relief from warts. 

The Swift protocol typically consists of 3 to 4 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart to coincide with the body’s immune cycle. Each session lasts a mere 5-10 minutes, making it a convenient option for busy individuals. Patients often express concerns about pain, but Swift treatments are remarkably comfortable, involving only minimal discomfort and no breaking of the skin. Moreover, there’s no need for bandages or downtime post-treatment, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately. 

One of the notable advantages of Swift is its minimal invasiveness and lack of requirement for home treatments between sessions. Additionally, there’s limited need for debridement, further enhancing the convenience of the procedure. With Swift, patients can expect effective wart removal without the hassle of prolonged treatment regimens or significant disruptions to their routines. 

Our Wart Removal Process 

Comprehensive Evaluation: Our podiatrist will begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your warts, considering their type, size, and location. This evaluation is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. 

Personalized treatment: Based on the evaluation, we will develop a personalized wart removal plan tailored to your specific condition. We will explain the recommended procedure in detail, ensuring you are comfortable and informed. 

Effective wart removal: Our experienced podiatrist will perform the chosen wart removal procedure with precision, aiming for complete elimination and minimal scarring. 

Follow-up care: We provide post-treatment care instructions to promote healing and prevent recurrence. 

Don’t let warts affect your comfort and confidence any longer. Contact Charlotte Foot Care Associates to schedule your wart removal consultation and embark on the path to clear, healthy skin.